
Legal Issues in Artificial Intelligence: 2023 Year in Review & 2024 Trends, AI in the Insurance Industry

February 7, 2024

Increased use and influence of artificial intelligence systems by companies and consumers bring with them new and dynamic oversight, compliance, governance and disclosure challenges. Legal and risk management professionals must develop processes and policies for AI tools that work within the requirements of the law as it is today, while also anticipating the coming wave of legal, regulatory and technological changes.

Paige Waters and Stephanie O’Neill Macro will present a 2023 Year in Review & 2024 Trends: AI in the Insurance Industry on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. The webinar begins at 10:00am PT, 12pm CT, 1:00pm ET.

This program will cover the current state of AI regulation and related governance and risk mitigation issues impacting the insurance industry’s use and deployment of data, algorithms, predictive modeling and new technologies in their insurance practices. We will address legal and compliance issues arising out of:

  • NAIC Artificial Intelligence Model Bulletin
  • Colorado Insurance Laws and Regulations and Related Reporting Requirements
  • Federal Initiatives and SEC Proposed Rule
  • EU AI Act

One hour of CLE for each program is approved in CA, IL, TX and NY “Areas of Professional Practice” credit. Other states are pending.

Contact us if you would like a copy of the presentation.

Visit Locke Lord's Artificial Intelligence Resource Center.