Hosted Events and Sponsorships

34th Annual New Hampshire Government Finance Officers Association (NHGFOA) Conference

North Conway, NH
May 2-3 2019
Locke Lord was a proud sponsor of the 34th Annual New Hampshire Government Finance Officers Association (NHGFOA) Conference, May 2-3, 2019 in North Conway, New Hampshire. The two-day agenda was full of content driven sessions including topics such as: Accounting for Capital Assets, Ethics, GASB and Economic and Legislative Updates.

The purpose of the NHGFOA is to promote the improvement of the methods of governmental financing in New Hampshire, as developed and recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, and other recognized authorities in the field of government administration. The NHGFOA is committed to promoting professionalism and excellence in government financial management by promoting education and networking.

For more information, please see their website.