
Noncompetes and Restrictive Covenants 2021: What Every Lawyer, Human Resources Professional, and Key Strategic Decisionmaker Should Know

September 20, 2021

Jennifer Kenedy will serve as a panelist during PLI's Noncompetes and Restrictive Covenants 2021: What Every Lawyer, Human Resources Professional, and Key Strategic Decisionmaker Should Know program on Monday, September 20, 2021.

Jennifer's panel will discuss "Ethical Issues in Noncompete Matters: Fulfilling Obligations to ‎Clients and the Court While Avoiding Traps for the Unwary."

  • Discover how things can go horribly awry under ABA Model Rules 1.7 and 1.8 ‎when you take on representation of both the employee and the new employer ‎and risk representing both, as the facts, issues, and interests evolve during ‎the course of litigation
  • Comply with ABA Model Rules 1.1, 3.3, and 3.4 and otherwise understanding ‎the technological risks and preventing spoliation from undermining your case ‎before it starts and during the discovery phase
  • Raise the ABA Model Rule 1.13 red flag when actions violate legal obligations ‎of the organization
  • Understand your responsibilities regarding non-lawyer assistance under ABA ‎Model Rule 5.3, including as it applies to the use of third parties for e-‎discovery
  • Review the impact of ABA Opinion 498 on "Virtual Practice" on these and ‎other ethical obligations

PLI's program will bring together experts and thought leaders from around the country. It will begin with a level-setting of basic noncompete law, and delve into nuanced and advanced issues from the perspectives of the employee, the former employer, and the new employer.

For more information, click here.