
InsurTech Legal Academy: Artificial Intelligence Regulation for InsurTechs

June 12, 2024

Join Locke Lord, InsurTechNY and InsurTech Hartford for their next InsurTech Legal Academy webinar on legal and regulatory issues impacting the InsurTech industry. Each quarter, we’ll tackle a new important topic.

Wednesday, June 12
1:00 PM ET • Noon CT • 10:00 AM PT

This webinar will address the potential impact of AI Regulation on InsurTechs and give an overview of recent AI regulatory initiatives at the NAIC, state and federal levels.


Paige Waters
Partner, Chicago

Stephanie O'Neill Macro 
Of Counsel, Chicago

CLE is approved in CA, IL, TX and NY “Areas of Professional Practice” credit. Other states are pending.

Register for this complimentary webinar.


Upcoming Topics in This Series:‎

  • Preparing for Company Sale/Scenarios for ‎InsurTechs
  • Nuts and Bolts of M&A Transactions ‎
  • Third Party Administrators and Claims Adjusters for InsurTechs
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act and Insurance Adverse Underwriting Notices ‎for InsurTechs
  • E-signatures and E-records for InsurTechs
  • Regulation of Insurance Rates for InsurTechs