John Arnold, Partner in Locke Lord’s Houston office and member of the Firm's Board of Directors, was quoted by Platts Megawatt Daily on how well reliability and cost would be enhanced by ERCOT expanding its new Firm Fuel Supply Service to include service from intrastate pipelines.
According to the reporter, before a meeting of the ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee, “Arnold pointed out that interstate pipelines, which would be virtually the only type that would be qualified under ERCOT staff’s proposal, do not serve much of central Texas, while intrastate pipelines serve 85% of ERCOT gas-fired generators, and serve 63% of gas storage withdrawal capacity.”
In addition, the reporter noted, “Arnold said the protocol language’s certifications have “dramatically lessened” the operational risk that all types of resources face” when it comes to delivering gas to power plants during a weather emergency.
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